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Category: Workforce Optimization

320 blogs

Speech Analytics Best Practices That Immediately Impact Business Performance

In today’s highly competitive market, providing quality customer service is critical to a company’s success. One way to ensure high levels of customer service is to employ speech analytics (and speech analytics best practices) to quickly locate key words and phrases within call recordings. This will allow your organization to identify opportunities for leveraging business intelligence, reducing risk...

WFO Blunders and Best Practices

Have you ever been stood up by a survey? Well, I have. Far too many times! One of my biggest pet peeves is when companies invite their callers to participate in a survey after a call, but then fail to survey callers that opted in. TIP: To avoid your callers from feeling stood up, use verbiage in...
call avoidance

Call Avoidance 101

In my experience, I’ve found that an agent is 10 times more likely to avoid calls towards the end of their shift. If you’re a contact center leader, what measurements do you put in place to control and/or capture such behaviors? Now don’t get me wrong, I know we have exceptional agents out there that would never...

Why Do You Need Speech Analytics

More companies are taking the plunge into speech analytics to help enhance the quality management processes. It is one thing to be capturing data, but it is important take action regarding that data. Speech analytics allows you to understand the WHY in your contact center. Why is your customer calling? Why are they concerned? Why are they...
call center attrition retention

Three Ways to Improve Employee Retention and Turnover

Attrition is a challenge that most contact centers struggle to overcome. Take comfort in knowing that you are not alone. According to Chron.com, the average turnover rate for full-time call center employees in 2012 was 26% and 33% for part-time employees. With those numbers, it’s not surprising that retaining employees is a top priority. What leads to...

What Makes 'em Tick

Contact centers have made it part of their everyday business to survey customers following any type of contact. So, what are Customers saying? Here are some of the top complaints that customers have regarding contact centers and the services they provide. 1. Obvious Scripting: Customers have indicated they want to have conversations with the representatives they call. If...

First Impressions Count

First impressions count. We’ve all heard the adage "first impressions are lasting impressions." The rule of thumb is that we have about seven seconds to make a good first impression. As it relates to everyday life, those seven seconds can often mean the difference between getting your dream job or not, securing financing for a new venture...